Emotion Code Sessions - Bundle Packages

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Emotion Code Sessions - Bundle Packages

from $250.00

Why Bundle up?

Emotion coding is like peeling back the layers of a giant onion. Sometimes it only takes one session to see a huge difference but most of the time it takes at least 3-5 sessions to completely release a specific issue. To see the best results, emotion coding should be done consistently. Which is why I’ve put together a few different bundle options.

Bundle packages are the best and most affordable way to secure your sessions. Not only are you saving the most money but there are other perks.

Here are a few:

  • your price is locked in as long as you’re actively purchasing/using packages.

    Meaning, if my price go up, yours stay the same!

  • package sessions can be used by your nuclear family unit. Meaning, you, your spouse/partner and your kids. Sessions can also be used on your pets.

    Extended family and friends cannot utilize sessions from your package, they will have to purchase their own.

    ***QUARANTINE UPDATE*** IF YOU PURCHASE A PACKAGE OF 20 SESSIONS BEFORE MAY 15 you’ll receive an extra 10 immune and stress focused sessions (making it 30 sessions total) AND you can share your sessions with whoever you want. Your mom, best friend, neighbor, postman.. anyone you care about. **Please note this is only for sessions purchased before May 15**

  • packages of 10 or more sessions get access to sessions Monday through Friday. All other sessions are scheduled on Tuesday and Thursdays only.

5 sessions: $250

saving you $50

10 sessions: $450

saving you $150

20 sessions: $950

saving you $250

***QUARANTINE UPDATE*** IF YOU PURCHASE A PACKAGE OF 20 SESSIONS BEFORE MAY 15 you’ll receive an extra 10 immune and stress focused sessions (making it 30 sessions total) AND you can share your sessions with whoever you want. Your mom, best friend, neighbor, postman.. anyone you care about. **Please note this is only for sessions purchased before May 15** saving you a total of $850!!

Please note, all sessions are done remotely/long distance through a list you’ll email once each session is booked. After your package is booked we will email you within 24 hours to schedule a day and time for your first appointment.

If you’d like your sessions done in person please email me at inadayle@me.com


A few things to note:

  • only one client per session

  • appointments usually run around 30 minutes

  • The findings from your session can be emailed to you for just $40 extra per session, click here to add on.

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